Relevant key international conventions:
- Consolidated Guide to International Codes and Conventions
- International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides Website
- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Website
- Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Website
PAN International Lists:
- PAN International Consolidated List of Banned Pesticides (Last updated in December 2024)
- PAN International List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides (Last updated in December 2024)
Recent PAN publications:
- Cultivating Coherent Climate Action: Why agroecology and pesticides reforms should underpin action on agriculture and food systems in support of the Paris Agreement, November 2024
- Stakeholder Statement on the Global Alliance on Highly Hazardous Pesticides, September 2024
- Leveraging NBSAPS beyond the CBD: How action on agroecology and pesticides delivers across multiple UN policy frameworks, August 2024
- Food Systems Transformation at COP28: Why agroecology must be prioritised, 2023 November
- Petition Letter, 2023 September 25
- in English: Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Organizations’ Appeal to SAICM Stakeholders to support the phase-out of Highly Hazardous Pesticides and the Global Alliance on HHPs
- in Spanish: Llamamiento de la Sociedad Civil y las Organizaciones de Pueblos Indígenas a las Partes Interesadas en el SAICM para que apoyen la eliminación de los Plaguicidas Altamente Peligrosos y la Alianza Mundial sobre los PAP
- in French: Appel de la société civile et des organisations de peuples autochtones aux parties prenantes de la SAICM pour qu’elles soutiennent l’élimination progressive des pesticides hautement dangereux et l’Alliance mondiale sur les PHD
- Time for Credibility and Coherence: PAN International Briefing Paper on ICCM5, 2023 September 18
- Letter to FAO Director General Qu Dongyu, 2023 July 26
- Letter to FAO Deputy Director Beth Bechdol, 2022 November 29
- PAN International position paper for SAICM IP4 Beyond 2020 Process
- in English
- Letter to FAO, 2022 June 9
- in English: Civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ appeal to the FAO Council to rescind the FAO partnership agreement with CropLife International
- in Spanish: Un llamamiento de la sociedad civil y los Pueblos Indígenas al Consejo de la FAO para rescindir el acuerdo de asociación de la FAO con CropLife International
- in French: Appel de la société civile et des Peuples Autochtones au Conseil de la FAO pour qu’il annule l’accord de partenariat de la FAO avec CropLife International
- Addressing the Conflict of Interest and Incompatibility of FAO’s Partnership with CropLife International (Briefing to FAO Member States – June 2022)
- Addressing Pesticides within Target 7 (On Pollution) of the First Draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
- Petition to Stop the FAO-CropLife #ToxicAlliance
- Letter to FAO, 2021 February 25
- Letter to FAO, 2020 November 19
- in English: More than 350 civil society organizations and 250 scientists call on the UN agency NOT to partner with CropLife International
- in Spanish: Más de 350 organizaciones de la sociedad civil y 250 científicos interpelan a esta agencia de las naciones Unidos demandando que renuncie su alianza anunciada con CropLife Internacional
- Agroecology: The Solution to Highly Hazardous Pesticides: A PAN International Position Paper (in English)
- in French: L’agro-écologie: La solution aux pesticides extrêmement dangereux: Exposé de position de PAN International
- in Spanish: Agroecología: La solución frente a los plaguicidas altamente peligrosos: Un documento de posición de PAN Internacional
- in German: Agrarökologie: Die Lösung für den Ersatz hochgefährlicher Pestizide: Positionspapier von PAN International
- Appeal for a ban of highly hazardous pesticides (in English)
- Los Plaguicidas Altamente Peligrosos en México (in Spanish)
- Glyphosate Monograph
- The Permanent People’s Tribunal Session on Agrochemical Transnational Corporations
- What are Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs)? (in English), (in French), (in Spanish)
- Replacing Chemicals with Biology: Phasing out highly hazardous pesticides with agroecology
- in English: Executive Summary
- in French: Résumé Exécutif
- in Spanish: Resumen Ejecutivo
- Realise, Resist, Reclaim: Celebrating 30 years PAN AP
- Communities in Peril: Asian regional report on community monitoring of highly hazardous pesticide use
- Building Community Resistance Against Land Grabbing
- Women Reclaim Our Seeds
- Communities in Peril: Global Report on health impacts of pesticide use in agriculture
- Poisoning Our Future: Children and Pesticides
- A Generation in Jeopardy: How pesticides are undermining our children’s health & intelligence
Related Publications:
Sustainable Alternatives:
Below you can find information provided by the PAN Regional Centres on alternative or sustainable farming practices, crop specific information on how to grow without pesticides, information on where to find organic products and information on alternatives at all levels.
Household pesticides
- The Non-Pesticide Advisor points you to quality information to help with specific pest and pesticide problems. [In English]
- General Information on Alternatives A broad range of publications on alternatives to hazardous pesticides and on organic farming can be found here. [In Spanish]
Community-based Pesticide Action Monitoring (CPAM)
Other resources: