Tadesse Amera (He/him)

In addition to his position as Executive Director of PAN-Ethiopia, Tadesse Amera is also the Co-Chair of the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and an advisory board member of the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Center (ISC3). Dr Amera has advanced numerous environmental health initiatives at local, national and regional levels and continues to lead engagements in high-level international policy-making fora.

He previously served for seven years in the Ministry of Health of Ethiopia as District Environmental Health and Health Education Coordinator and pioneered a well-known agro-ecology initiative in Ethiopia that replaces highly hazardous pesticide use with organic methods of cotton cultivation. Dr. Amera’s extensive experience in working with grassroots communities, government officials and high-level national policymakers and academia, as well as international fellows and donors, is reflected in the wide range of impacts in Ethiopia and in the global chemical policy fora such as the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm and Minamata Conventions, and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).