PAN International Closing Statement SAICM IP4.2

(Delivered by Susan Haffmans of PAN Germany on behalf of PAN International) Thank you madamme Co-Chairs for the opportunity to give our closing statement. I speak on behalf of Pesticide Action Network International, a global network of 600 groups representing CSOs, farmers, women and agricultural workers. PAN has been involved in the SAICM process from…

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Pesticide Action Network International Intervention on Sustainable Development Goals

Pesticide Action Network International is a global network with 600 citizens groups working towards eliminating the impact of highly hazardous pesticides and advancing food production with agroecology. We face a multitude of problems which are now compounded by the severity of the ecological crisis, acknowledged by the UN and many experts. A contributing factor to…

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We, Toxicologists and Health Professionals, call for a global elimination of Highly Hazardous Pesticides

Open letter to Mr Achim Steiner, Executive Director of UNEP, Dr José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director-General of FAO, and Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO on the occasion of the fourth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management Many pesticides pose a threat to human health and the environment and result in heavy…

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Honoring International Human Rights Day

This week marks the culmination of special commemorations and actions for PAN’s global community. And in 2013, No Pesticides Use Day (December 3) and International Human Rights Day (December 10) have an added level of poignancy as we join the world in reflecting on the remarkable life of the great Nelson Mandela. Coming of age…

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The global network

Pesticides don’t respect national borders. Tons of agricultural chemicals cross international boundaries every year, either through the international marketplace or carried by wind and water currents. PAN International was founded as a global network in 1982 as a response to the fundamentally international nature of the pesticide problem. The network now links over 600 groups,…

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Looking forward

Reflecting on PAN’s accomplishments over the past year, I’m feeling deeply grateful to each and every person in our broad community — including you. Every person involved in this work provides the inspiration and muscle we need to transform corporate and government systems. And as 2013 draws to a close, my attention turns to the…

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